Lacking Inspiration? Try These 4 Ideas To Help You Decide On Your Next Flooring!
Major purchases are just that, major! And if you are planning to spend some serious cash, you want to make sure that you love what you’re getting. Whether it be a television, a vehicle, or even a new home, you want to be confident in your purchase when it comes time to pay that bill.
With new flooring, the feeling is no different. You should love and be entirely sure of your flooring choice before installing it. But what if you find yourself in a position where you are uncertain of what you want? Fortunately, we have more than a few solutions for you.
So don’t get frustrated if you need new flooring and feel underwhelmed and unsure. Here are four ideas to help you find inspiration as you begin your next major flooring project.
Inspiration galleries
Inspiration galleries are a fantastic way to see various products, styles, and overall looks without leaving your couch. By browsing what the retailer, brand, or company views as their most popular and visually-appealing looks, you might find something that piques your interest.
Consider finding a local flooring store near you, like Flooring 101, and browsing their selection of gallery photos.
Browse the store
As much as shopping online offers its conveniences, sometimes you need to see something in person before you can fully commit. When you visit a flooring store in person, you can do just that.
By getting the non-pixelated look and feel of various products, you’ll have a better idea about what you want and don’t want within your home. More than that, stores will be staffed with knowledgeable sales staff and occasionally design teams, who can help answer any questions you might have.
Use a room visualizer
Perhaps you’re not, for whatever reason, willing or able to visit the store in person and see the products firsthand. But what if you could see the products in your home before you bought them? Well, with room visualization technology, you can do just that. While not all retailers may have this technology yet, many, including Flooring 101, do.
As simple as snapping a photo of the room in question, uploading it, and selecting your products of interest, a room visualizer is a great way to experiment when different styles and looks witing your home without paying for them first.
Similar to inspiration galleries, Pinterest boards offer homeowners many opportunities for inspiration for all kinds of home-related projects. Whether you’re browsing hardwood looks in a bedroom space, a hip design for your child’s playroom, or a natural stone styling for a kitchen space, odds are you’ll find what you’re looking for on Pinterest.
No matter what option you decide on, so long as you feel comfortable with your flooring purchase and satisfied with the final result, we’re happy! Interested in learning more about our fantastic flooring options? Contact us today!